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59040-1-T-02-A Product Overview


The 59040-1-T-02-A is a versatile electronic component that belongs to the category of connectors. This product is widely used in various electronic devices and systems due to its unique characteristics and functional features.

Basic Information Overview

  • Category: Connector
  • Use: Electrical connection between components
  • Characteristics: Durable, reliable, compact
  • Package: Typically comes in a protective casing
  • Essence: Facilitates secure electrical connections
  • Packaging/Quantity: Usually sold individually or in small quantities


  • Model: 59040-1-T-02-A
  • Material: High-quality conductive material
  • Dimensions: Standard connector size
  • Color: Typically metallic or black
  • Weight: Lightweight and portable

Detailed Pin Configuration

The 59040-1-T-02-A connector consists of multiple pins arranged in a specific configuration to facilitate proper electrical connections. The detailed pin layout can be found in the product datasheet.

Functional Features

  • Secure Connection: Ensures stable and secure electrical connections
  • Versatility: Compatible with various electronic devices and systems
  • Durability: Resistant to wear and tear, ensuring long-term reliability

Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Reliable electrical connections
  • Compact and lightweight design
  • Versatile application in different electronic systems


  • Limited capacity for high-power applications
  • May require additional accessories for certain installations

Working Principles

The 59040-1-T-02-A connector works on the principle of establishing a secure and reliable electrical pathway between components. It utilizes its pin configuration and material properties to ensure efficient transmission of electrical signals.

Detailed Application Field Plans

The 59040-1-T-02-A connector finds extensive use in various electronic applications, including: - Consumer electronics - Automotive systems - Industrial machinery - Telecommunications equipment

Detailed and Complete Alternative Models

For users seeking alternative models, the following connectors can be considered as viable alternatives to the 59040-1-T-02-A: - Model A1234-X-01-B - Model C5678-Y-03-D - Model E9101-Z-04-F

In conclusion, the 59040-1-T-02-A connector offers a reliable and versatile solution for establishing electrical connections in diverse electronic systems. Its compact design, durability, and compatibility make it a valuable component in the field of electronics.

[Word Count: 340]

Sebutkan 10 pertanyaan dan jawaban umum terkait penerapan 59040-1-T-02-A dalam solusi teknis

  1. What is 59040-1-T-02-A?

    • 59040-1-T-02-A is a technical specification that defines the requirements for a specific type of component or system in technical solutions.
  2. How does 59040-1-T-02-A impact technical solutions?

    • 59040-1-T-02-A sets the standards and guidelines for the design, performance, and integration of the specified component or system, ensuring compatibility and reliability in technical solutions.
  3. What are the key features outlined in 59040-1-T-02-A?

    • The specification covers key features such as electrical characteristics, mechanical dimensions, environmental considerations, and performance requirements for the component or system.
  4. Is compliance with 59040-1-T-02-A mandatory in technical solutions?

    • Compliance with 59040-1-T-02-A may be mandatory in certain industries or applications to ensure safety, interoperability, and quality standards.
  5. How can 59040-1-T-02-A be implemented in technical solutions?

    • Implementation involves designing and manufacturing components or systems according to the specifications outlined in 59040-1-T-02-A and conducting testing to ensure adherence to the requirements.
  6. What are the potential benefits of using 59040-1-T-02-A compliant components in technical solutions?

    • Using compliant components can lead to improved reliability, interoperability, and safety in technical solutions, ultimately enhancing overall performance and user satisfaction.
  7. Are there any limitations or drawbacks associated with 59040-1-T-02-A?

    • Some limitations may include potential cost implications, complexity in meeting stringent requirements, and the need for ongoing compliance monitoring.
  8. How frequently is 59040-1-T-02-A updated or revised?

    • Updates and revisions to the specification may occur periodically to reflect advancements in technology, address industry feedback, or accommodate new regulatory requirements.
  9. Where can one obtain a copy of 59040-1-T-02-A for reference?

    • Copies of the specification can typically be obtained from standardization organizations, industry associations, or official websites related to the specific technical domain.
  10. What are the consequences of non-compliance with 59040-1-T-02-A in technical solutions?

    • Non-compliance may result in issues such as product rejection, legal liabilities, safety hazards, or limitations in market access, emphasizing the importance of adhering to the specification.